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Thank you for visiting our website dedicated to providing exceptional service dogs. We appreciate you taking the time to explore our offerings and learn more about how our service dogs can make a meaningful difference in your life, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to the opportunity of helping you find the perfect service dog companion that will bring joy, independence, and unconditional love into your life. Please use this page to learn more about our program!

About Us

PIB Dog Training is located near Rockford, IL about an hour and a half away from Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madison. PIB Dog Training was created by Jenny Fingland.

Jenny has been training dogs for over 15 years. She started training pets to be wonderful family dogs through classes and board and trains. In 2015 Jenny attended the CATCH in person school for dog trainers. During this program she had the opportunity to work with many shelter dogs and learn everything from body language, to training, to behavior modification. After that continued working with pet parents who needed help. Jenny worked with everything from reactivity, aggression, socialization to basic pet behaviors. Over the years she had the opportunity to work with several service dogs and found her passion for dogs helping people. In 2017 Jenny moved full time to Jacksonville, Florida working at K9's For Warriors training shelter dogs to become service dogs. This really helped spark her passion for service dogs and has worked with several programs since them as an independent contractor training and placing dogs.

Over the years she has seen the need for service dogs, and how much service dogs can change peoples lives. Unfortunately Jenny has seen and had to deal with the fallout of uneducated individuals getting dogs for service work whose temperament is not appropriate. This is heartbreaking for the trainer and handler, as the handler needs the dog, but the dog is not a great fit. Service dogs aren’t always accessible to everyone due to their price and how intense programs can be, so she wanted to create a way to help owner trainers start off with the right temperament and great dog to help their chances of success.

Trainers Anchor

How it Works

service dog for sale il

Our program is designed to get pups out in the world experiencing new environments in a positive way  as soon as they can handle it. We start working with the puppies in our home then taking them out in public very soon after. Generally pups start out at different parks, sports parks, and other outdoor areas. After they’ve mastered those areas we start taking them into different pet friendly buildings. Once the pups are reliably potty trained and being reliable with training in pet friendly places, we start taking them out into non pet friendly places as service dogs in training.


We start training our puppies immediately upon receiving them between 8-12 weeks. Our puppies learn the basics, many tricks, potty training, crate training, and much more! During this phase we utilize positive training techniques to create confidence and independence in our pups. Our pups are encouraged to explore different environments and meet lots of different people. 


By 13 weeks our pups have lots of socialization and trips under their paws! We start working towards their CGC behaviors: Stay, coming when called, leash walking in public, not jumping on people, leave it. We use lots of treats and praise to help teach them these behaviors. We work not only in the house and outside, but in parks with lots of distractions, in pet friendly places, and neighborhoods. Our pups get out and about a minimum of 4x a week and usually more. 


At 16 weeks our pups should be well on their way to be potty trained and we may start attending not pet friendly places. We keep these trips very short and fun so the pups can see the sights but not get overwhelmed. All puppies learn at their own pace, so some puppies may be attending busy places with the big dogs, while other puppies attend quieter and smaller places. We will adjust for whatever the individual puppy needs. During this time we continue working on all of their basics, as well as start introducing some basic task work and some foundation behaviors for tasks.


Between 5-8 months our pups are out and about as much as possible and learning about the world. While we will not totally wean off of treats until much later in our training we start preparing the pups for their Canine Good Citizen test. In this time period we will test the puppies on their Canine Good Citizen with a third party evaluator. This test is a great way to test the puppies skills and show that they are well mannered and stable. 


Around the 5 month mark (sometimes earlier and sometimes later) we will start looking to place puppies. When we are looking to place a dog that means the dog will be eligible to either finish the program through us, or be sold as a started service dog. Each dog is not sold on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. You are required to fill out an application and complete the application process before we talk about what dogs are available and what dog may suit your needs. If you are interested in a specific dog we will take that into consideration, but please know that we base our pairings heavily on lifestyle and client needs. If you have a gender, color, look preference you can let us know, but we cannot guarantee you will be paired based off of those things. If you absolutely must have a certain preference, know your wait time may be longer as we can’t guarantee we will have that preference. There is a two week minimum wait time between being accepted and paired with your dog, to bringing the dog home. This is non negotiable. 

Once you are paired with your dog the fun stuff begins! Depending on what program you choose for you and your pup will determine what your dog is ready for when they go home. You will receive weekly videos of your dog and their progress. Your trainer is available to answer any specific questions regarding training, care, or wellness of your dog. We will go over your dog's daily schedule and how to work with your puppy on their transition once they come home. Once your pups training is complete we will arrange a pick up or drop off day. 


There are three different options for receiving your new dog! 

  1. You come to us: We are located in Rockford, IL about an hour and a half from the Chicago airport, we are also about 20 minutes from the Rockford airport. There are a lot of hotel and short term housing options within 20 minutes of us that are service dog and transport friendly. It is recommended you spend a minimum of 3 nights and four days here so we can teach you all about your new best friend! We will cater to each individual person's needs during this process. We keep it low pressure so you have time to adjust to having a dog with you, and your dog has time to learn about you and what you want from them. You are in charge of all your housing, food, and transportation costs during this time. The time with your pups trainer is included in the purchase price. We will meet approximately 2 hours a day (sometimes more sometimes less!) and train.Your trainer will be available for any questions you have and will help you and your pup adjust.

  2. We come to you: Your trainer will fly or drive your service dog to your location. This is the preferred way to deliver your dog as we can help your dog just fit right into your home and your life. Us bringing the dog directly to you helps minimize any transition issues and helps the dog settle in quickly. If we fly we will be leaving from the Rockford or Chicago airport to your location. You are financially responsible for all travel, housing, car rental, and parking costs as well as a food stipend of $35/day. You are required to have these paid before we leave to deliver the dog (this will be discussed further). It is recommended we are there for a minimum of 4 days and three nights.

  3. Transport: This is not the recommended way to handle the transition for the dog but for the right dog and handler this is something we will offer. You will hire a recommended transport provider and have the dog brought to you. The dog will receive a health certificate within 48 hours of their scheduled departure. Once the dog arrives to you within 12 hours we will have a video call and training session. We will have video calls daily for the first 4 days. You must hire an approved in person trainer to either come to you or go to them within 7 days. This helps maintain the dogs training and can help work out any issues that may arise during the transition period. 


We require a minimum of one video a week of your dog working for the first month you have your dog. After the first month we require you to submit a mock AKC CGC test with you working with your dog. This helps ensure the dog's training is up to standards and that you as the handler are following through. We include 4 free video sessions with every dog purchased. Our dogs are dogs, not robots and have their own personalities. Every transition period will look different and we want to be here to support you and your pup through it.


Transition Periods:

The hardest part for any dog is transferring from one handler and home to a brand new person and home. This is especially true for puppies who are moved from ‘all they’ve ever known’ to a new handler. While we work on things to minimize this, and why we require such a long hand over session, is to help the dog and handler through these times.


During the transition period often dogs will exhibit: stress in the kennel (barking, whining, ect) and potty training issues. When you purchase a dog you will automatically receive online courses we require you to complete before you receive your dog. In these courses we will go over how to counteract the common transition problems as well as how to continue your dogs training once they’re home. While not every dog will exhibit any issues it’s important to bring it up so we can fix it before the problem starts.

The biggest thing the dogs need from you during the transition period is patience and understanding. We will give you all the tools you need to be successful with your new pup, your pup just needs some time from you. We usually expect transition behaviors to show up for the first two to three weeks. There will be exercises and training we will ask you to do to help counteract any potential issues. (such as keeping your dog on leash next to you and working on crate training positively) 


Our goal is for you and your pup to have a long, happy, successful partnership. We are here every step of the way as we spend hours upon hours with these dogs setting them up for success. Once you have completed our program (about a month after you receive your dog) you are ready for whatever next steps you need! If you purchased a starter dog you will be in charge of teaching the dog the tasks they need to know. If you have purchased one of your finished dogs your dog should be fully trained and ready to take on the world by your side! We are here for every step of the way and love updates and learning what you and your pup are up to, please never hesitate to reach out.


Training Program

Our service dog training process and program are meticulously designed to ensure that each dog possesses the skills, temperament, and abilities needed to be an exceptional service companion. We begin by carefully selecting dogs from reputable breeders or rescue organizations, considering factors such as health, temperament, and trainability.

Once selected, our dogs undergo a comprehensive and structured training curriculum that covers a wide range of skills tailored to specific service dog roles. Our experienced trainers utilize positive reinforcement techniques to teach obedience commands, task-specific skills, and socialization. This helps our service dogs develop confidence, adaptability, and the ability to remain calm and focused in various environments.

Our training program also includes specific task training customized to meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether it's mobility assistance, medical alert, psychiatric support, or any other specialized tasks, our trainers work closely with both the dog and the client to ensure a successful partnership.

Throughout the training process, we prioritize regular assessments and evaluations to track the progress of each dog and make necessary adjustments to meet individual needs. Our trainers also provide guidance and support to the client in understanding and effectively working with their service dog.

At PIB Dog Training, we believe in the lifelong commitment to our clients and their service dogs. Therefore, we offer post-placement support, follow-up training sessions, and continued assistance to ensure a successful and harmonious partnership.

Rest assured that our service dog training process and program adhere to ethical standards and best practices. We are dedicated to providing well-trained and reliable service dogs that can make a positive impact in the lives of our clients.

Programs and Pricing

Programs: We have several different programs to work with and will cater each program to each individual handler and dog's needs. When a dog has completed one part of the program we immediately move them on to the next portion of the program. This means that every dog's price is different as it depends on that dog's training status. We do offer payment plans but please note that all dogs must be paid at time of transition training. 


Started Service Dog/Puppy

service dog for sale

These are dogs that we purchased from breeders whose parents have had extensive health testing and temperament testing. We generally receive these dogs between 8-12 weeks old. Please visit the “how it works” section to learn more about how we raise these puppies.

In this program we will match dogs with their handlers about a month before they receive their
“Canine Good Citizen” certificate. Usually dogs will be approximately 5 months old when paired.
Dogs in this program will come with:

  • Behaviors:

    • Sit

    • Down

    • Stay

    • Come

    • Sitting still for a minimum of 15 minutes (restaurant training)

    • Crate trained

    • Potty trained

    • Started on odor recognition 

    • Touch

    • Back up

    • Started DPT

  • Public Access (pet friendly places and a minimum of 10 non pet friendly places)

  • A minimum of 10 videos showing the pups development and learning, and a minimum of one video a week after puppy is purchased

  • Canine Good Citizen Certificate evaluated by a 3rd party trainer

  • All vaccinations current

  • Heartworm and Flea/tick medication current

  • 4 Video lessons

  • Online training videos for the handler

This program price includes all routine vet bills, purchase price of the dog, and all of the dog's current training. This program starts at $7,000 and will be modified for the individual dog or handler.


Started Service Dog with Public Access

These are dogs that we purchased from breeders whose parents have had extensive health testing and temperament testing. We generally receive these dogs between 8-12 weeks old. Please visit the “how it works” section to learn more about how we raise these puppies.

In this program we will match dogs with their handlers a month before they receive their Canine Good Citizen certificate or are dogs who have their CGC and are working on their Canine Good Citizen Urban. Usually dogs will be approximately 5-8 months old when paired. This program differs from the puppy program as dogs will have more extensive public access and will not be placed until they are approximately 8-10 months old. This means your dog will be ready to go as soon as you get home, just need to teach your dog tasks.
Dogs in this program will come with:

  • Behaviors:

    • Sit

    • Down

    • Stay

    • Come

    • Sitting still for a minimum of 15 minutes (restaurant training)

    • Crate trained

    • Potty trained

    • Started on odor recognition 

    • Touch

    • Back up

    • Started DPT

  • Public Access (pet friendly places and a minimum of 35 non pet friendly places)

  • A minimum of 10 videos showing the pups development and learning, and a minimum of one video a week after puppy is purchased

  • Records of your dogs outings and how they responded in each environment

  • Canine Good Citizen Certificate evaluated by a 3rd party trainer

  • Canine Good Citizen Urban Certificate evaluated by a 3rd party trainer

  • All vaccinations current

  • Heartworm and Flea/tick medication current

  • 4 Video lessons

  • Online training videos for the handler

This program price includes all the vet bills, purchase price of the dog, and all of the dog's current training. This program starts at $10,000 and will be modified for the individual dog or handler.

Fully Trained Service Dog

This program is the entire package, your fully trained service dog ready for adventure! Dogs in this program will have completed the Canine Good Citizen, Canine Good Citizen Urban, as well as the Canine Good Citizen Advanced. Dogs in this program have hundreds of hours of training under their paws and tons of public access as well as task training. These dogs are normally placed when they are over a year old. Dogs that qualify for this program are carefully selected and paired with their handlers around 6-8 months of age. 

Dogs in this program will come with:

  • Behaviors:

    • Sit

    • Down

    • Stay

    • Come

    • Sitting still for a minimum of 60 minutes (restaurant training)

    • Crate trained

    • Potty trained

    • Touch

    • Back up

    • Able to walk with a cart

    • 3 tasks specifically tailored to their handler

      • More tasks can be discussed but would be an additional fee as we will require more time with the dog.

  • Public Access (pet friendly places and a minimum of 50 non pet friendly places)

  • A minimum of 10 videos showing the pups development and learning, and a minimum of one video a week after puppy is purchased

  • Records of your dogs outings and how they responded in each environment

  • Canine Good Citizen Certificate evaluated by a 3rd party trainer

  • Canine Good Citizen Urban Certificate evaluated by a 3rd party trainer

  • All vaccinations current

  • Heartworm and Flea/tick medication current

  • 4 Video lessons

  • Online training videos for the handler

The price of the program includes purchase price of dog, all routine vet care for the first year, and all of the dogs training. This program starts at $25,000 and will be tailored to each individual dog and handler.


The most important part of training any service dog team successfully is to pair the right dog and handler together. For this reason we have an intense application process and make sure to vet each client to make sure they’re aware of the work and reward of having a service dog. Dogs are living individuals and have their own thoughts and feelings, it’s highly important to understand dogs are NOT robots and will not always be perfect. This is a key factor to remember when considering a service dog. We will do the best training we can, and set you up for success, but dogs (like humans) have off days as well.

With that service dogs are absolutely amazing and can give you the independence you need to live a great, fulfilling life. 50% of dogs purposely bred for service work do not end up making it. This is why having a started or fully trained dog is such a benefit. We will do the work to help make your team successful!

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